Great Hucklow CE Primary School is part of the Woodland Federation of Peak district Schools and shares a governing body with Peak Forest CE Primary school and Stoney Middleton CE Primary School. The governing body for the Woodland Federation of Peak District Schools consists of 13 governors; 2 Parent governors, 1 Ex-Officio governor, 2 Foundation governors, 1 Local Authority governor, 1 staff governor, 5 co-opted governors (2 of whom are staff members) and the executive headteacher.
Our governors are drawn from a range of important stakeholders from our three schools - the parents, staff, church and local authority. They work very hard on behalf of the schools and often have a specific area that they monitor and help to develop. Governors are elected for a 4 year term of office.
Nell Wakerley - Foundation Governor - Chair of Governors
Hello, my name is Nell Wakerley and I have been a governor at The Woodland Federation of Peak District Schools since May 2015. I was elected as Chair of Governors in February 2020 and re-elected to the position in September 2021.
I am committed and very proud of our Federation and I enjoy working with Mrs Tomlinson and the Staff Team, Governors, Parents and Pupils as we all together strive to make The Woodland Federation the best it can be for each and every child.
I have three children, who are all pupils at the Federation attending Great Hucklow C of E Primary School. I work as a School Business Manager at another local school and I am also Chair of the management committee at Grindleford and Eyam Playgroup.
If you see me around then please say hi, I look forward to meeting you.
Sue George - Staff Governor
Sue is the EYFS & KS1 teacher at Great Hucklow CE primary school. Present term of office Sept 21-25
Leonard Teehan - Co-opted Governor and Vice- Chair
Present term of office Sept 21-25
Isobel Board - Co-opted Governor
Isobel is the Deputy Headteacher at The Woodland Federation, appointed to the role in 2019. Prior to her role as Deputy, Isobel taught across KS2 at Great Hucklow. Sept 21-25
Jodie Siddall - Co-opted Governor
Jodie has been a teacher at The Woodland Federation for many years. Previously at Great Hucklow and now teaching KS2 at Stoney Middleton. Sept 21-25
Andrea Tomlinson - Head Teacher and governor
Term of office is constant whilst in post.
Sophie Fairfax-Bond - Parent Governor Sept 21-25
Laura Burnett - Local Authority Governor -Sept 21-25
Mrs Sharon Hall - Parent Governor - Feb 22 - Feb 26
Our Clerking services are provided by Judicium clerking
If you would like to contact the chair or one of the other governors directly, please make contact by emailing, who will pass on contact details for the governor you require.
Governor Record of Interests.
Business and pecuniary interests: Pecuniary interests were declared by one governor (Please speak to Clerk for more information)
Governance roles in other institutions: None declared by Governors
Material interests arising from relationships: None declared by Governors.